
Preventing Pests in New Constructions: Tips for Builders and Homeowners

Building a new home is an exciting journey, but it comes with its own set of challenges, one of the most significant being the prevention of pest infestations. Preventing pests in new constructions is crucial for maintaining the integrity and value of a property, ensuring the safety and comfort of its occupants, and avoiding costly damage and repairs. 

Pests can infiltrate newly built homes in various ways, causing structural damage, health risks, and a decline in living conditions. Termites, ants, rodents, and other pests can find their way into even the most meticulously constructed buildings, leading to problems that can escalate if not addressed promptly. 

Both builders and homeowners play a critical role in implementing effective pest prevention strategies. Builders can incorporate pest-resistant materials and design features during the construction phase, while homeowners must maintain vigilance and adopt preventive measures post-construction. By working together, they can ensure that new homes remain pest-free and provide a healthy living environment for years to come. MET Pest Control is here to help with expert guidance and customized pest control solutions. 

Understanding Common Pests in New Constructions 

Understanding the types of pests that commonly infest new constructions is the first step in preventing them. New homes, despite their fresh start, can quickly become havens for various pests if not properly protected. 

First you have to know how to identify some of the common pests. Those pests that are commonly found in homes are: 

    • Termites: These wood-destroying insects can cause significant structural damage if not detected and controlled early. 
    • Ants: Various ant species, including carpenter ants, can invade homes searching for food and nesting sites. 
    • Rodents: Rats and mice can squeeze through small openings and cause damage by gnawing on electrical wires and insulation. 
    • Cockroaches: These pests are known for their resilience and can quickly multiply, leading to infestations that are hard to control. 

These pests can enter through small cracks, gaps, and utility penetrations and can cause damage to your house. For example, pests like termites can weaken the structural integrity of buildings, while rodents can damage wiring and insulation, leading to potential fire hazards. Therefore understanding the behaviours and risks associated with these pests helps in implementing targeted preventive measures.  

Building Practices to Prevent Pest Infestations 

Proactive building practices are crucial in preventing pest infestations from the ground up. By incorporating pest-resistant materials and construction techniques, builders can significantly reduce the risk of future infestations. 

1. Site Preparation: 

Ensuring that the site is graded correctly and has proper drainage can prevent standing water, which attracts pests. In addition, ensure that you clear any excess vegetation and debris from the construction site reduces potential pest habitats and entry points. 

2. Foundation and Structural Measures: 

Incorporating materials that are resistant to termite damage, such as treated wood and concrete, can provide long-term protection. Ensuring that all cracks and gaps in foundations and walls are sealed effectively to prevent pest entry. 

3. Utility Installation: 

Properly sealing areas where utilities enter the building can prevent pests from using these as entry points. Ensuring adequate ventilation in attics and crawl spaces helps reduce moisture buildup, which can attract pests. 

By adopting these building practices, builders can create pest-resistant structures from the outset. 

Preventive Treatments During Construction 

Incorporating preventive treatments during the construction phase is an effective way to deter pests from establishing themselves in new homes. These treatments provide an additional layer of protection against common pests. 

One method is using of chemical treatments, such as soil treatments and pest-repellent materials. By applying termiticides to the soil before construction begins can create a chemical barrier that prevents termites from entering the building. You can also consider using building materials treated with pest repellents can deter pests from infesting the structure. 

Another method is using physical barriers, such as termite barriers, screens and seals. By installing physical barriers, such as metal mesh or sand, around the foundation can prevent termites from entering the building. In addition, when using screens and seals on vents, windows, and doors can block pests from gaining entry. 

Implementing these preventive treatments during construction can save homeowners from future infestations and costly repairs. 

Landscaping and Exterior Considerations 

The exterior environment of a new home plays a crucial role in pest prevention. Proper landscaping and exterior maintenance can create a less inviting environment for pests. 

1. Plant Selection and Placement: 

Selecting pest-resistant plants can help reduce infestations. In addition, try to keep plants and shrubs away from the structure to prevent pests from using them as bridges to enter the home. 

2. Exterior Maintenance: 

Conducting regular inspections of the exterior features such as siding, roofing, and gutters to identify and address potential entry points for pests. Ensuring that water flows away from the foundation to reduce moisture buildup, which attracts pests. 

These landscaping and exterior maintenance practices help create a pest-resistant barrier around the home. 

Post-Construction Preventive Measures for Homeowners 

Once construction is complete, homeowners must remain vigilant to ensure their new home stays pest-free. Implementing post-construction preventive measures is essential for long-term pest management. 

Conducting regular routine inspections of the home to identify early signs of pest activity. You can also consider hiring professionals, such as MET Pest Control, for periodic inspections and treatments to prevent infestations. Meanwhile, you also have to play a part in your home maintenance. Keep your home clean and free of clutter to reduce potential hiding spots for pests. Storing food in proper food storage such as sealed containers and maintaining proper waste management practices to deter pests. 

By maintaining these preventive measures, homeowners can protect their investment and enjoy a pest-free living environment. 

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for New Homes 

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a comprehensive approach to pest control that combines various strategies for effective and sustainable pest management. It is especially beneficial for new homes, providing a holistic solution to pest prevention. Implementing IPM ensures that pest control is effective, sustainable, and safe for both residents and the environment. IPM integrates preventive measures, monitoring, and control strategies to manage pests effectively. It also emphasis on reducing pesticide use and adopting environmentally friendly practices. It is also crucial to educate homeowners, providing them with knowledge and tools to implement IPM strategies to ensure better effectiveness. In addition, working with pest control professionals, such as MET Pest Control, will enable you to better develop and execute comprehensive IPM plans. At MET Pest Control, we specializes in developing customized IPM plans for new constructions, ensuring you a pest-free home. 

In conclusion, preventing pests in new constructions is essential for protecting the investment and ensuring a safe, comfortable living environment. By implementing proactive strategies and collaborating with pest control professionals, builders and homeowners can effectively prevent pest infestations. MET Pest Control offers expert guidance and customized pest prevention solutions, making sure your new home remains pest-free and provides a healthy living environment for years to come. For expert advice and customized pest prevention solutions, contact MET Pest Control. 

Reach out to MET Pest Control for expert advice and customized pest control solutions tailored to your specific needs. Ensure your new home remains pest-free and provides a healthy living environment for years to come. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive pest prevention services. 



Top 5 Tips to Save Money on Your Next Aircon Bill

Are you tired of sacrificing your favorite leisure activities to keep up with soaring aircon bills? Many people find themselves in this predicament, forced to cut back on dining out, entertainment, and even family outings to afford the escalating costs of keeping their homes cool. The financial burden of high energy bills can overshadow the joy of relaxation and hobbies, making it feel like you’re constantly choosing between comfort and quality of life.

The good news is that you don’t have to live like this. There are practical and effective strategies to reduce your aircon expenses without compromising your comfort. In this blog, we’ll share the top five tips to help you save money on your next aircon bill, allowing you to reclaim those precious leisure activities and enjoy a balanced, worry-free lifestyle. 

Take charge of your aircon’s health! Clean your filters with our easy steps, and check out MET Engineering for professional services."

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5 Tips to Save Money on Your Next Aircon Bill

Regular maintenance

One of the most effective ways to keep your aircon bills low is through regular maintenance. Think of your air conditioner as an investment that requires consistent care to perform at its best. Over time, dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate in your aircon unit, causing it to work harder and consume more energy to cool your home. This not only increases your energy bills but also reduces the lifespan of your unit.

Scheduling professional maintenance like MET Engineering who provides the best aircon servicing to your air conditioner at least twice a year can significantly enhance your air conditioner’s efficiency. During these check-ups, our technician will clean or replace filters, inspect and clean the coils and fins, check the refrigerant levels, and ensure that all components are in good working order. Clean filters, in particular, are crucial as they allow for better airflow, reducing the energy needed to cool your space. 

Setting the temperature

When it comes to energy consumption and reducing your air conditioning bill every degree will play a part. One of the most energy-efficient things you can do is set your controllers at a comfortable temperature that won’t make your unit work too hard. 

Setting your thermostat to the right temperature can make a big difference in your energy bills. Aim to keep your home at 24-26 degrees Celsius when you’re at home and increase it by a few degrees when you’re away. Avoid setting it to extremely low temperatures; your aircon will work harder and consume more energy.

Use fans to assist your aircon

Ceiling fans and portable fans are invaluable allies when it comes to managing your aircon expenses. While air conditioners are effective at cooling individual rooms, they can be energy-intensive when running alone. Fans, on the other hand, use far less electricity and help circulate the cool air produced by your aircon, ensuring that it reaches every corner of your room. 

The enhanced airflow allows you to set your thermostat a few degrees higher, which reduces the workload on your air conditioner and lowers your energy consumption. 

Additionally, fans create a wind-chill effect that makes the room feel cooler, so you can enjoy the same level of comfort while spending less on your energy bill. By incorporating fans into your cooling strategy, you can strike a perfect balance between comfort and cost-efficiency, making a noticeable difference in your monthly expenses.

Limit heat sources inside the home

Minimizing heat sources inside your home is a straightforward way to reduce your aircon bill. Appliances like ovens, stoves, and dryers generate significant heat, which makes your aircon work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. Opt for cooking methods that produce less heat, such as using a microwave or slow cooker, and try to limit oven use during the hottest parts of the day.

In addition to reducing appliance usage, keeping your blinds or curtains closed during the peak sunlight hours can prevent heat from entering your home. Sunlight streaming through windows raises indoor temperatures, forcing your aircon to work harder to cool down the space. Consider installing window treatments that block out heat, such as thermal curtains or blinds, to keep your living areas cooler. By making these simple adjustments, you can significantly decrease the amount of heat generated inside your home, leading to a more efficient air conditioning system and lower energy bills.

Also, read The 5-Step Guide to Clean Your Aircon Filter at Home.

Take charge of your aircon’s health! Clean your filters with our easy steps, and check out MET Engineering for professional services."

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Use timers while you sleep

Setting a timer on your aircon is a simple yet powerful way to reduce your energy bills. By programming your aircon to turn off after a certain number of hours, you ensure that it’s not running all night long when you’re not using it. This can lead to significant savings, especially if you tend to leave it on longer than needed. With a timer, you only pay for the cooling you use.

Timers not only help manage your energy consumption but also enhance your comfort and efficiency. For instance, you can set the aircon to cool your bedroom before you go to sleep and turn it off once you’re comfortably settled. This approach avoids unnecessary cooling and reduces energy waste, which can add up over time. Additionally, modern air conditioners often come with smart timers that adjust based on your usage patterns, further optimizing energy efficiency. Implementing this feature can help you enjoy a more controlled and cost-effective cooling experience, ultimately lowering your aircon bills while keeping your home comfortable.

Take charge of your aircon’s health! Clean your filters with our easy steps, and check out MET Engineering for professional services."

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Reducing your aircon bill doesn’t have to be a daunting challenge. By implementing these practical tips—such as scheduling regular maintenance, optimizing thermostat settings, using fans, sealing leaks, and utilizing timers—you can significantly cut down on your cooling costs while maintaining a comfortable living environment. Each small change contributes to a larger impact on your energy savings and overall financial well-being.

For those seeking expert assistance in managing and optimizing aircon systems, look no further than MET Engineering. With their extensive experience in the industry, MET Engineering provides comprehensive aircon services, from efficient installations to regular maintenance and repairs. Their expertise ensures your system runs at peak performance, helping you save on energy bills and enjoy reliable cooling all year round. Contact us today to discover how their tailored solutions can enhance your aircon efficiency and support your efforts to reduce costs.

FAQ’s on Tips to Save Money on Your Next Aircon Bill

Q. Is it better to run the aircon continuously or in intervals? 

Running the aircon continuously is often less efficient than using it in intervals. Operating it in intervals allows the system to cycle on and off, reducing energy consumption and maintaining a more consistent temperature while avoiding unnecessary strain on the unit.

Q. Which mode is best for Aircon at night? 

For optimal comfort and energy efficiency at night, set your aircon to “Sleep” mode. This mode gradually adjusts the temperature and reduces cooling output as you sleep, ensuring a restful night while minimizing energy consumption.

Q. What is the best temperature for AC at night? 

The ideal temperature for your air conditioner at night is between 24-26°C (75-78°F). This range balances comfort and energy efficiency, helping you sleep well without overloading your cooling system.

Q. When to use fan mode in AC?

Use the fan mode on your AC when you want to circulate air without additional cooling, which is ideal for mild temperatures. It can help maintain air circulation and enhance comfort while saving energy compared to running the aircon in cooling mode. 

5-Step Guide to Clean Your Aircon Filter at Home

5-Step Guide to Clean Your Aircon Filter at Home

After a long, exhausting day at work, you finally return home, desperate for some relief from the scorching heat of Singapore. You switch on the aircon, anticipating the cool, refreshing air to envelop you as you sink into the sofa. But instead of the expected comfort, you’re met with a blast of warm, suffocating air. Frustration sets in as you realize your aircon isn’t working as it should. One common culprit behind this unwelcome surprise? A dirty aircon filter.

This is the most common issue that goes unnoticed by people as it is necessary to clean the aircon filters once or twice a month depending upon the weather but while cleaning people often tend to make some mistakes which are mentioned below. But don’t worry we’ve got you covered, here is the step-by-step guide to cleaning your aircon filter which is part of the AC service. 

5-Step Guide to Clean Your Aircon Filter at Home

The indoor air conditioner unit has dust filters that need regular cleaning. The more clogged the filter, the harder the air conditioner, and this can lead to air conditioner servicing having to work to push air through it. That can mean higher running costs. Here is how you can clean your aircon filter at home: 

Step 1: Turn off the power

Before you start, ensure the aircon unit is turned off. This is crucial for your safety and to prevent any damage to the service of the air conditioner. Locate the power switch on the unit or switch off the circuit breaker that powers your aircon.

Step 2: Acess and remove the air filter

For Split AC Units:

    1. Open the front panel of your split AC unit by gently lifting it upwards. It usually has clips or tabs that need to be released.
    2. The filters are typically located right behind the front panel.

For Window AC Units:

    1. Remove the front grille of the window AC unit. This can often be done by pressing tabs or unscrewing a few screws.
    2. The filter is usually right behind the grille.

Gently pull out the air filter from its slot. Note the position of the filter so you can easily replace it later. Be careful not to damage the filter or any other components.

Step 3: Clean the filter

Using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment, carefully vacuum the dust and debris from both sides of the filter. This helps to remove loose particles and makes the washing process more effective. Be gentle to avoid damaging the filter material.

Step 4: Dry the filter

Fill a basin with lukewarm water and add a few drops of mild detergent. Submerge the aircon filter and let it soak for about 10-15 minutes. Gently scrub the filter with a soft brush to remove any remaining dirt. Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove all soap residue.

For split AC units, you may also need to clean the pre-filter if your unit has one.

Step 5: Reinstall and test the filter

Shake off excess water from the aircon filter and let it air dry completely in a shaded area. Avoid direct sunlight as it can damage the filter. Once dry, reinstall the filter into the aircon unit, ensuring it’s securely in place. Close the front panel or grille.

After ensuring everything is properly reassembled, turn the power back on to your aircon unit. Test it to make sure it’s running efficiently and delivering the cool air you desire.

Take charge of your aircon’s health! Clean your filters with our easy steps, and check out MET Engineering for professional services."

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Struggling with bed bugs, read our blog to know more about them, Six Early Signs of Bed Bug Infestations.

What are the common mistakes to avoid when cleaning Aircon Filter?

Cleaning your aircon filters is essential for maintaining efficient operation and air quality, but it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can cause damage or reduce effectiveness. Here are some specific errors to watch out for during the cleaning process.

Using harsh chemicals

Using harsh chemicals to clean your aircon filters can cause significant damage to the filter material. Aircon filters are typically made from delicate materials designed to trap dust and particles without impeding airflow. 

Harsh chemicals can corrode these materials, reducing the filter’s effectiveness and lifespan. Instead, use a mild detergent or a solution specifically designed for cleaning air filters. This approach will ensure that the filters remain intact and functional, maintaining optimal air quality and system performance.

Reinstalling the filter while still wet

Reinstalling your aircon filter while it is still wet is a common mistake that can lead to mold and mildew growth within the air conditioning unit. When a wet filter is placed back into the unit, the moisture can become a breeding ground for mold spores, which are then circulated through the air when the unit is running. 

This not only affects the efficiency of the air conditioner but also poses health risks. Always ensure that the filter is completely dry before reinstalling it to prevent such issues and to maintain a healthy indoor environment.

Ignoring the manufacturer’s guidelines

Each aircon unit comes with specific manufacturer guidelines for cleaning and maintenance, which are crucial for the longevity and efficiency of the system. Ignoring these guidelines can lead to improper cleaning methods that might damage the filter or the unit itself. 

For instance, some filters are designed to be rinsed with water, while others are not. Following the manufacturer’s instructions ensures that you are using the correct cleaning method, thereby preserving the integrity of the aircon filter and ensuring optimal performance.

Not cleaning the filter often enough

Failing to clean your aircon filters regularly can lead to a buildup of dust and debris, which obstructs airflow and forces the unit to work harder. This not only reduces the cooling efficiency of the air conditioner but also increases energy consumption, leading to higher electricity bills.

Regular cleaning, as recommended by the manufacturer, ensures that the filters remain free from obstructions, allowing for smooth airflow and efficient operation. This routine maintenance also helps in prolonging the life of the aircon unit.

Using high-pressure water to clean filters

While it might seem efficient to use high-pressure water to clean aircon filters quickly, this method can cause more harm than good. High-pressure water can damage the delicate filter material, creating holes or tears that compromise the filter’s ability to trap dust and particles. It can also dislodge the filter frame or cause it to warp. 

Instead, use a gentle stream of water or a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to clean the filters. This approach will effectively remove dust and debris without damaging the filter structure.

Take charge of your aircon’s health! Clean your filters with our easy steps, and check out MET Engineering for professional services."

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Regularly cleaning your aircon filters is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and air quality in your home. By following this simple 5-step guide, you can ensure your air conditioner runs efficiently and provides the best possible cooling without any air conditioner servicing. However, for more comprehensive aircon maintenance and expert care, trust the professionals at MET Engineering. With over 25 years of experience in the industry, MET Engineering specializes in all aspects of air conditioning services, ensuring your system is always in top condition. 

Visit our website and contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help keep your aircon running smoothly year-round.

FAQ’s on cleaning your aircon filter at home

Q. How often should AC filter be cleaned? 

AC filters should typically be cleaned every 1 to 3 months, depending on factors like usage, dust levels, and manufacturer recommendations. Regular cleaning helps maintain optimal airflow and efficiency while extending the life of your air conditioning system.

Q. What happens if I don’t clean my AC filter? 

Neglecting to clean your AC filter can lead to reduced airflow, decreased cooling efficiency, and higher energy bills. Over time, a dirty filter can also cause your air conditioner to overheat and potentially lead to costly repairs.

Q. How can I clean my AC filter without removing it? 

To clean your AC filter without removing it, use a vacuum with a brush attachment to gently remove dust and debris from the surface. Follow up by wiping the filter with a dry cloth to ensure it’s free of any remaining particles.

Q. How do I know if my AC needs cleaning? 

You’ll know your AC needs cleaning if you notice reduced airflow, increased energy bills, or if the unit is emitting unusual odors. Frequent cleaning is also necessary if you see visible dust buildup on the filters or around the vents.

Q. Will my AC be ok without a filter? 

No, running your AC without a filter is not advisable. The filter protects the unit from dust and debris, and operating without it can lead to internal damage and reduced air quality. Always ensure your filter is in place for optimal performance and longevity of your air conditioning system.