
Met is equipped with teams of professionals with a wide scope of services, ready to help you manage and cope with the specific, widely varied needs of the hotel and your guests. Hotel maintenance management of various systems and components of a hotel, such as HVAC, electrical and plumbing, is crucial to ensure smooth continuous operations and success of your hotel.

Financial Institutions

At Met, we believe in the importance of resolving and maintaining every aspect to prevent issues from arising and avoid potential issues that may affect the running of your business. The Financial Sector, being a critical factor in Singapore’s role in financing local and regional growth, plays an important role in the functioning of the economy. As such, to keep the institutions going as per usual, extra attention must be given to the systems and components to guarantee continuous smooth operations.

Educational Institutions

At Met, we understand the importance of maintaining the performance of the systems that hold institutions together and operational with regular maintenance and upgrades. As a source of growth and development to shape the lives of individuals and attain a better society, educational institutions are the main constituent for progression and improvement. Which is why our expert team, fully equipped with knowledge and experience in these fields, is fully prepared to help you resolve and assist you with maintenance and improvements to your institution.

Healthcare & Pharmaceutical

Healthcare and Pharmaceutical institutions have an important role to play in the effectiveness of the many parts of the health system by providing continuous availability of services in response to the population’s health needs as well as health system developments. Met is well equipped with experienced professionals with expert knowledge and solutions that will make certain that the performance of these important establishments is sustainable and operational in the long run.

Manufacturing & Engineering

As an engineering company, Met understands that Manufacturing and Engineering industries are the backbone to developing systematic approaches to streamline and improve efficiency and productivity that benefit society and businesses, from enhancing the work environments to reducing the costs associated with new technologies for life improvements. Met Engineering Services can assist you in improvements to eliminate the frustrations that may be affecting the long-term health of your business by providing services that can analyse, resolve, and improve your processes.

Food & Beverage Business

Owning a Food & Beverage business can be daunting with all the licensing, permits, laws and regulations that an owner will need to comply with in order to remain in the business. At Met, we are knowledgeable in the laws and regulations in Singapore, from the Environmental Public Health Act to NEA regulations, and provide services that will help your company meet the requirements to avoid penalty repercussions while creating a comfortable, appealing environment for your customers to enjoy.